Sunday, March 21, 2010

Some ads I made for Best Western Magazine

Yeah. I know it's been awhile that I've posted anything on this blog. The company that I now work for is in a process or rebranding everything; from website to print. Lately I've been working on updating their catalogs for the company's all three different divisions: Home, Bath, and Hospitality. I'll post some more small works that I made later. For now, here are some ads I helped design for the Best Western magazine, which are mainly targeted for business consumers/clients.

I can't really take "full" credit for the work right above. My supervisor pretty much laid out this particular ad. However, I came up with the concept and helped out putting together the imagery. The ad was for a new collection that's been added to our Bath division products. My supervisor liked my idea of having the vanity placed in a middle of the desert; representing itself as a part of an "oasis" or "savior" for be place in such an arid environment.

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